The undiscovered wines of Cape Town


Pairing Wine and Cheese

Fresh cheese and younger wines pair well because they tend to be higher in acidity. The acidiy mellows in both aged cheeses and older wines so they'll tend to harmonize.

Our wines are featured in the Wine Spectactor Magazine.

Our wines feature Argentina Malbec , our elegant Pinotage from South Africa, French & German Sparkling wines and California Whites & Reds from Napa Valleys boutique wineries.

The wine country has several award winning wineries that are quickly gaining acclaim. Cape Town Vineyards have been hailed as the hidden gem of South African wines boasting an estimated 400 wineries.

Clubspot Founder and President, Peter Mugwagwa, is creating a demand for the unique World Wines by hosting events in business centers across America including tourist destinations.

Our event partners are locally registered 501c non profit organizations.


Cape Town's Undiscovered Wine Country

The Vineyards of South Africa are located in the Western Capelands and Cape Town (Coastal Region). Two oceans meet , the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, driving coastal fog to the humid weather, typically great for the soils.

Known to be the home of wildlife and amazing cultures , Cape Town offers charm, hospitality and endless possibilities. From the golden rolling hills and mountanious range to the hash-green vineyards and the unique Table Bay Mountain.The scenic beauty is apparent , making three world cities identical, San Francisco, Vancouver BC and Cape Town.

Stellenbosch in Cape Town, is the only region in the world producing "Pinotage Wine" a variety grape created in South Africa in 1925 by the first Professor of Viticulture , Abraham Azak.

The history of South African wine making goes back 350years and tied to the arrival of the first European settles. Today Cape Town boasts with more than 400 vineyards.

The Republic of South Africa made a transition from apartheid to a Democratic Government, lifting the embargo in 1994 under President Nelson Mandela.

Africa Wine Map
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